Upcoming Outreach Program Event February 3rd, 2024
We invite you to attend!
Following two trips to Houston to represent missing persons from San Antonio and surrounding counties, the families involved and affected in San Antonio requested the National Missing Persons Day be held right here in our city of San Antonio.
We have decided to hold an event here in San Antonio on February 3rd, 2024 in response to the request from many families who were unable to travel to Houston. Our third of February is dedicated to the families of missing persons. However, we have decided to also include the families of unsolved cases in order to raise awareness and highlight their cases.
Thanks to the generous support of the Red Cross San Antonio, we are delighted to host our event at their beautiful downtown facility. In addition to providing plenty of space, it will provide a safe environment for all participants.
The families of the missing and murdered participate equally in the planning and efforts to bring the San Antonio community together and raise awareness of the often overlooked cases in San Antonio and the surrounding areas. In response, the families have requested a round-table discussion with our finest local law enforcement agencies, as well as representatives of NamUs and Crime Stoppers.
Agencies and organizations are encouraged to introduce their resources and support to families and the general public.
Attendees, families, and members of the media are invited and encouraged to stay for interviews and refreshments.
In our outreach program, we will have speakers, media, pod-casters, counselors, spiritual support and certified therapy dogs on hand, as well as hands-on activities in memory of our loved ones.
Please note that attendees are not required to participate in interviews.
There is no cost associated with this event.
What can you do to help make this day a success and a memorable one for everyone?
-Donate supplies
-Become a sponsor
-Share this event