2024 - Wide Area Search Class of San Antonio!

We are grateful to the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) for sending us their best instructors. This exceptional training opportunity was made possible and funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

We dedicated three days of our weekend to train, gain, and refresh our skills. Despite the seriousness and professionalism of the class, we enjoyed a lot of fun and shared many laughs. The camaraderie built during these sessions was invaluable.

Throughout the course, we practiced various essential techniques, including search methods, victim markings, search management, and much more. Each exercise reinforced our knowledge and readiness, preparing us for real-world scenarios. The hands-on approach and expert guidance provided by the instructors ensured that we could effectively apply what we learned in practical situations.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who participated and contributed to making this class a success. The skills and knowledge gained will undoubtedly enhance our ability to serve and protect our community in times of need.

#training #emergencymanagement #wideareasearch #SAR #TEEX #FEMA #SASSA #searchandsupportsanantonio

Hosted by: San Antonio Aware and Prepared


Searches For Andreen McDonald 2019